Thursday, July 16, 2015

Price of Red Iron

I purchased five additional strips of red iron for our metal building and wondered if the streets in heaven were made from it. They’re worth their weight in gold. I needed the extra structural steel when I decided to use some old windows that belonged to our kids.  Our daughter and son-in-law bought new windows and the old windows ended up in Al’s garage. Now I’m using them in MY garage.
I would’ve been money ahead if I hadn’t found those discarded windows. It’s all Al’s fault. When I saw the stack of old windows, I had a light bulb moment. I’ll use them, have lots of light, and clean up My Sweet Al’s garage at the same time.
The contractor warned me about the high price of red iron. I reasoned that it should be okay. I wouldn’t need to buy windows therefore I’d save money. When do we strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel? All the time.
I told the contractor, “Let’s do it. Order the red iron.” He did and I was happy as I could be. It was worth the price because I would have a nice storage room and a work area with lots of light.
Then, My Sweet Al said, “Oh, I have a bunch of angle iron on the north acre. You could’ve used them, but they’re grey.”
“What? I’ve already ordered the red iron and its here. Why didn’t you tell me you had some?”
“Why didn’t you ask?”
I couldn’t believe Al would have $2,000.00 worth of gray iron laying out in the yard, left over from a job he worked on fifteen years ago. When he finished the job he cleaned up their yard, dropped the iron in our yard, and now our yard needs to be cleaned up.
Al is straining at gnats and I’m swallowing another camel. The grey angle iron is priceless to me since I’m still in the building mode. I can do great creative things with it. I wonder what else Al has lying around in the yard?
I’m looking at this grey/red iron and seeing dollars lying in the sun. I’m cherishing every piece. I asked Al to throw a chain around them and pull them up to the house with his tractor. If I don’t use them, they’ll be on the property for another fifteen years. They’re worth their weight in gold. I need to use them.
Final Brushstroke! My Sweet Al said, “I can’t afford for you to save me anymore money.” He’s weary of all I’m thinking to do with his private stash of building material. Hopefully, I won’t be walking on the streets of red iron any time soon. I need to stick around to keep cleaning on Al’s garage and pay for all my creative inspiration.

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