Thursday, January 24, 2013

I'm a Little Dogmatic, But...

Artist’s Quote: “A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” Hugh Downs

A few friends and I went out to lunch.  One of the ladies asked about my writing career with the pet magazine. I told her, it was short lived. I wrote two articles about dogs, but I think I was a little too dogmatic.

She said, “People are passionate about their animals.”

“I know, I live among dog-loving people and I am finding that out.”

 “They probably detected it. It’s hard to write when you lack passion about something.”

“I understand, I thought it was clever of me to name the articles, “I’m a little Dog-Matic, but…. I worked really hard to show a compassionate side. Apparently it didn’t come through. Those two articles were probably the hardest articles I have had to write. If it isn’t there, it isn’t there. I wouldn’t mistreat an animal for anything. In fact, I want all animals inside during these cold days. I don’t want anything to suffer.

She proceeded to tell me about “Kitty.” Apparently, Kitty lived in the wild for two years and came around their house frequently. They feed her, and now she is living in their house. She said her husband, Bob, loves Kitty and felt sorry she didn’t have grass in the winter to enjoy and lay in. He built a 4’X4’ framed box, put in dirt and planted grass. Now Kitty has green grass all year round.

I asked her how he mowed it?
She said, “With scissors. Kitty is very spoiled. She has an electric mattress and she sleeps warm now. She gets brushed everyday.
“Well, Kitty has surely hit the jackpot.”

My other friend, the owner of a dog, spoke up, “I brush Gus’ teeth everyday.”
I said, “You must be kidding. Everyday?”
“Yes, everyday. When he sees me with the toothbrush, he lies down on one side, I brush his teeth, and then he turns on the other side.”

I asked her, “Who has time to brush their dog’s teeth everyday?”
She said, “He loves it. I love my dog. Gus has his own bedroom.”
“His own bedroom? You’ve got to be kidding.”

Then Sam’s wife spoke up, “Jake isn’t wearing pajamas anymore.”
Gus’ owner asked, “Do they have pajamas for a sixty pound dog?”
“I don’t know. Jake weighs only 30 pounds.”

I rolled my eyes wondering about the conversation, I said, “Our daughter found a hand-knitted sweater, size 6, and Daisy wore it over the holidays. She was very festive.  In my mind I was thinking, I can’t believe this conversation. Maybe I’m a little dogmatic, but this is ridiculous. These animals are treated better than humans.

Then Sam’s wife proceeded to tell the other women that they bought Jake a thunder-wear suit, and he is doing better when it thunders. They explained to me, it was not underwear, but thunder-wear.

They asked about Whiskey, was she getting any smarter? I told them, “A little. Daisy still has a mean streak in her and she attacks Whiskey. Whiskey is getting sweeter and sweeter and Al loves her, and I’m coming around. I’m not mad at animals. I think I have a better perception than all the people around me.”

Once upon a time when we all had children at home, we talked about our kids. Now with empty nesters, they talk about their pets. I’m taking notes, and wondering what has life come to, but always seeing the next article flourishing in the midst of their passion.

Final Brushstroke: Yes, I’m a little dog-matic, and I’d rather be talking about my next book. They don’t seem to have the same interest and passion. I guess I should go and pet Whiskey. I know it would thrill My Sweet Al’s heart.

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