"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to
persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." ~Christopher
The yellow flag was tossed higher than usual into the black sky. By
the distance of the flag, I figured the referee was really angry. When it came
down, the lights went out Friday Night at the Golden Peaks Stadium in Pagosa
Springs. It was the last game at home and the last game for this senior.
“What happened?” The fans stood stunned as one of the players pulled
off his helmet and jersey and was asked to leave the game before second half.
This young man has played football with his teammates since fifth
grade. This is his team. After review of the film, all consensus was, “The
punishment didn’t fit the crime.” It didn’t matter, it was done.
When the Friday Night Lights went out, was the game over? No, it’s the
next step to proving your character — what you’re made of and how you handle an
unfortunate situation. It’s part of life and it’s all about learning who you
are under fire. It’s how you’re going to handle the next day, the next
opportunity, and the next challenge.
I’ve said it a thousand times over my lifetime, “I needed that
lesson, I don’t know how I would have learned it any other way. I didn’t want
it to happen that way, but it did. I’m better for what I’ve gone through, than
not. I’ve also had to apologize to many people who I let down and who were
counting on me. I’m sure I’ll have to do it many more times.
I have always believed it’s how you deal with the challenge.
Grandson-You’ve already stepped up and owned your mistake. You apologized to
your parents, to your team and your coaches. Your size makes you visible,
threatening and vulnerable. Just know, it’s the size of your heart that makes
you so much bigger, that’s what will prove who you really are.
Being a leader is not something you ever asked for, it’s part of
your DNA. It’s in you to see a wrong and step up and challenge the situation.
It’s in you, to go your own way, because you have a purpose and you know where
and what you want it to be. You’ve also planned how you are going to get there.
You are your own agent, but life will come in and challenge every decision you
make, life will test you to see if you are really the man you say you are.
When you are a born leader, it’s in you to be passionate over
something, so passionate that it will drive you to be out in front. The problem
with being out in front, you become more visible to everyone around you. At
that moment you don’t think of the people who are following you or looking up
to you, but they are.
When you are a leader, there are those who secretly want you to
fail. When you lead, it challenges people around you to step up. Some don’t
want to be reminded that they could do better. How you handle things, proves to
them, that you belong in that place as a leader.
It’s after the game and the next day, you will have a new challenge.
You had a meeting with a college football coach who has been looking at you and
your videos throughout your high school years. They are considering you to be a
part of their team next year. You’ve lost hours of playing time on the
field. Have you lost credibility? It stands to be seen.
Are you going to get out on the field on Monday morning and practice
with your team and help them in the next game, even though you have to sit on
the sideline? Yes, you have.
Your football team came to your house for an already planned-end-of-the-season
party, on Sunday night. The coaches, according to the rulebook couldn’t come,
but your teammates did. Sixteen boys played a video football tournament, had a
wiener roast, skits and bonded. Too bad, the rules didn’t afford the coaches
who have admire you and who love you, the opportunity to bond and see what the team
is made of under adversity. Their loss!
The team went home Sunday night with Mohawks, challenged to play
their best with their rival, Bayfield on Friday night. You’re still a part of
the team and a part of their hope. You’re still a part of Pagosa Pride. You’re
a Pirate.
Final Brushstroke! Does your parents, aunts and uncles,
grandparents, teammates and friends still love you? More now, than ever before.
Your Uncle Stephen wrote: My nephew, the strongest man I know next to my father. A born
leader who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, carrying the
burden of all, because he can. If only I was half the man this 18 year old is,
I can't imagine how much further I could be in life.
Some times the loss is the real win. Sometimes that's all we
need, to know how to move beyond ourselves to win a much greater prize. I sure
love you "mini me".
Todays battle is tomorrows victory.
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